S1E9 - Dharma and Greg Versus Frasier
You can really judge a person by what 90's sitcom they watched. This ain't no Friends verse Seinfeld episode. Alex and Spencer only tackle the true classics here.
On Episode 9 of our podcast where we thought about wearing a tank top over a tshirt, Alex and Spencer tackle TV shows they definitely should not have watched as kids! Alex, as one of those kids raised on 90 sitcoms, has to convince Spencer Dharma and Greg (1997) is a wholesome treasure. Spencer picks on Alex on accident when he made her watch Frasier (1993). The Frasier watch probably would have been more enjoyable if Alex had literally seen any episode of Cheers before. Grab that TV dinner and join us at the coffee table as they tackle these classic sitcoms.
Theme Song: "Astronaut" by The Spin Wires
First is a No Show Radio production. Mind your ears as we unpack the unusual.
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