5 years ago
S1E10 - Once Upon a Time Versus The Good Place
There isn't much of a theme this week as Alex and Spencer get back to their roots. Roots meaning forcing their pal to watch shows they probably would never watch on their own. And by they we mean Spencer.
On Episode 10 of our podcast where we travel fantastical lands through media, Alex and Spencer take on two very different shows. Do you remember that late night soap opera with the fairy tale creatures, Once Upon a Time (2011)? Yeah not a lot of folks do. Good thing we brought in something super topical like The Good Place (2016)! IMPORTANT UPDATE: ALEX HAS SINCE SEEN ALL THE GOOD PLACE AND HER OPINION IS NOW VASTLY DIFFERENT. PAST ALEX WAS A FOOL. END TRANSMISSION.
Theme Song: "Astronaut" by The Spin Wires
First is a No Show Radio production. Mind your ears as we unpack the unusual.
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