First! Hosted by Alex and Friends
We Hate Pilot Episodes and So Do We
5 years ago

S1E14 - VEEP Versus House of Cards

Alex and Spencer aren't terribly political people but they certainly have their views. Don't worry, they keep their opinions focused on TV.

On Episode 14 of our podcast Alex and Spencer do their best not to talk politics with family over a turkey dinner! Spencer finally watches VEEP which we all knew he would love. Alex finally watches House of Cards but don't worry, we try to not talk about K* S** as much as we can. For once both of the hosts actually enjoyed their show! Buckle up for this hour long episode. Things get about as weird as they ever do.

Theme Song: "Astronaut" by The Spin Wires

First is a No Show Radio production. Mind your ears while we unpack the unusual.

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